Ciudad Universitaria

UNAM Postgraduate Program and the Challenges of SARS CoV-2 Pandemic

Dr. Manuel Torres Labansat*
The University Postgraduate system is divided into four areas of knowledge -Physical-Mathematical Sciences and Engineering; Biological, Chemical and Health Sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities amp; Arts. It comprises the master and doctorate studies taught in more than sevety-five UNAM academic entities and fifteen external institutions distributed throughout the country. In the postgraduate program, there is an offer of more than ninety-seven master and doctoral plans of study in which we look after over 12 000 students per year.

These figures give us an overview of the huge challenge we faced in mid-March 2020. In the imminence of a national health emergency, UNAM put into practice a series of measures in order to considerably reduce the face-to-face activities with the unique objective of protecting the entire academic community above all.

From day one, it was decided as a priority to prevent the interruption of substantial areas for the functioning of the University —teaching, research and culture promotion.

To do so, extraordinary efforts had to be made and new ways of interaction had to be implemented among those who are at the core of the posgraduate education. The students and tutors’ commitment to UNAM postgraduate programs was the key element for keeping the rhythm of the master and doctoral studies and the ongoing research projects.

To mention an example of that commitment, they showed their willingness to take degree exams via Internet during the first weeks of confinement. They accepted to do it in this way in order not to stop the graduation process. Consequently, to expedite the graduate’s documentation process, the autograph signature required for degree certificates was replaced by the electronic signature thanks to the support of the School Management General Division and the Information and Communication Technologies General Division of UNAM.

In less than three months, applicant selection processes were opened online in several postgraduate programs that included entry exams, proficiency tests and interviews. In this way, the selection process complied with the requirements established for every plan of study. Some of these tools are still in place so we are reconsidering the advantage of partially using this methodology in future selection processes.

Unidad de Posgrado, UNAM (foto de Ximena Gómez)

To continue assisting postgraduate students, we designed strategies to effectively adjust to the prevailing conditions. As part of these strategies, we increase the number of classrooms equipped for video conferencing, the offer of courses to train professors in the use of videochat platforms such as Zoom and WebEx, and the adaptations in infrastructure to improve the connectivity of web page servers. These courses have allowed our community to adapt effectively to the new context.

There have also been major developments in the university structure that will become a benchmark of the current historical moment such as the unanimous approval of the General Guidelines for Postgraduate Operations during the Postgraduate Academic Council online session of June 25, 2020. In addition, it was approved the Postgraduate Program in Gender Studies during the online session of the H. University Council on December 9, 2020.

Likewise, the modifications made in 2020 to the Support Program for Postgraduate Studies (PAEP) validated the participation of students in virtual activities to complement their training whether in the form of courses, workshops, congresses, seminars, colloquiums, diploma courses or any other way that the corresponding Academic Committee considers pertinent. This reform helps the students to improve their curricular trajectory.

In rethinking every aspect of our current life, we should acknowledge that essential communication among key actors has kept going; no face-to-face meetings have been held, but by the virtual means of today, there has been good participation and input; and thanks to the collegial nature of the agreements made, we have been able to keep a clear course of action.

Up to now, many steps have been taken to continue working remotely in the postgraduate area. In almost two years, it was possible to redefine communication mechanisms and, thereby, to comply with processes as important as the organization of the representatives’ elections via Internet with the presence of the H. University Council and academic committees, the selection of applicants, the candidacy and degree exams, the evaluation and signing of drafts digitally, and even, the evaluation processes of postgraduate programs presented to external bodies.

It is evident that the health emergency has had a strong impact on the postgraduate academic community. But it has also been an opportunity to creatively and efficiently adapt and find ways to favor the teaching-learning process, paying attention to keeping the multi and transdisciplinary nature of postgraduate courses in harmony with its national dimension.

After two years of social contact restrictions, the members of the UNAM Postgraduate Studies Department are aware of the current and future challenges brought about during the pandemic and afterwards, in addition to the challenges considered object of study and research in all areas of knowledge. We are ready to respond and certain that with the commitment and support of the students and the academic community, we will be able to overcome the prevailing situation and continue offering a solid academic education. At present, our staff shares the institutional conviction that the time has come to return to face-to-face working routine, maintaining the appropriate measures at all times to guarantee the health of the university community as a whole.

*Manuel Torres Labansat PhD is UNAM’s General Coordinator of Post-Graduate Studies.
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