
My Internationalization Experience. With PAECI to Patagonia

Ricardo Lau
Thanks to the Program for Special Interinstitutional Cooperation Activities (PAECI) with internationalization purposes for UNAM’s first degree students and graduates operated by the General Direction for Cooperation and Internationalization (DGECI), I was able to develop a research project at the Institute of Agricultural Surveying at the University of the Republic of Uruguay.

My international experience was terrific, but before living through it, I had to overcome several challenges. One of the main challenges and the most complicated one for me was to overcome the fear of not being selected since I had previously participated in four mobility calls without luck. In three of these calls I was not selected, and one more had to be interrupted because of the pandemic. This made me very sad since I was very close to finishing my studies, which meant a countdown for me and limited my options to participate in more calls for application. Despite the challenges, I persevered with the advice of Professor María Elena Osorio Tai, and continued to apply to different calls, keeping in mind my abilities and the potential for success with determination and patience.

So, in my last semester, I was finally selected for a research stay abroad. From that moment on I faced challenges I never imagined: traveling alone, getting lost in an unknown public transport system, trying new things, and meeting incredible people, such as the director of the Institute of Surveying, Professor Jorge Faure Valbi. He was not only a tutor for me during my stay but also became a great friend, motivating me and inviting me to travel and to learn about Uruguay’s and other countries’ cultures. Professor Faure Valbi supported my interest in traveling to different places, such as Patagonia, as well as several cities in Uruguay. This, obviously, without neglecting the research project we worked on, which led to excellent results, and was finished it ahead of schedule, so professor Faure Valbi invited me to participate in field projects with his students and asked me to attend his outstanding classes.

My research project was about the development of a mathematical model of height transformation— useful in topographic engineering, cartography, aero-transported GPS, land support for aerial photography and other areas. For this purpose, I analyzed official geodetic data provided by Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), specifically on Mexico City. During this analysis, I considered different types of physical heights and the different geoidal models available (which are projections of the average sea level). The main objective of this mathematical model is to calculate the differences between the geoidal models EMG08 (global model) and NAVD29 (official model for Mexico), and to calculate geoidal waviness values. These calculations are of great importance to understand variations in heights and to have an accurate reference in geodetic leveling.

During my stay, I was fortunate to have the unconditional support of the people I lived with. However, due to distance and lack of direct contact, I have been unable to communicate with them constantly. Despite this, I maintain regular communication with Professor Jorge Faure Valbi.

I continue to work collaboratively with him on a project we want to materialize here in Mexico. This initiative will be carried out through the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) and represents the continuation and deepening of the project I developed during my research stay.

The experience I lived through was a radical turn in my life. I learned a lot academically, but the personal growth I experienced was the most relevant. I have no hesitation in strongly recommending every student to participate in these calls. I know it is not easy to overcome the fear of leaving home alone or not being selected, but I am convinced we all can do it.
Ricardo Lau studied Geomatic Engineering at UNAM’s School of Engineering. He was a grantee of the Program for Special Interinstitutional Cooperation Activities (PAECI) and performed his research stay at the University of the Republic of Uruguay.
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