
UNAM’s Museums: A Visual Tale

Ximena Gómez González Cosío
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is an international organization that plays a key role representing and coordinating museums around the world. Its main mission is to promote, collaborate and protect cultural and natural heritage, encouraging cooperation between museums and museum professionals around the world. This work is carried out through Work Committees that can be national (as ICOM-Mexico), regional (as ICOM Latin America and Central America) and international (as the International Committee for Education and Cultural Action, COMCOL). It also has permanent committees with different specialization topics (such as the Finance and Resources Committee, FIREC), affiliated organizations like the International Committee for Museums of Modern Art (CIMAM) and working groups (such as the Future of International Committees, ICWG).

What Is a Museum?

A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution at the service of society, which researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits material and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums promote diversity and sustainability. With the participation of communities, museums operate and communicate ethically and professionally, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge exchange.

International Council of Museums

The relationship between ICOM and university museums allows them to collaborate and share knowledge and resources with their peers. Some university museums are members of ICOM’s working committees, where they participate in international collaborative work.

UNAM’s museums have played an important, integral role within the university community and in the open society, contributing to their intellectual development and promoting education and culture. On the following pages, UNAM Internacional presents a graphic report on some UNAM’s museums.

We want to show their thematic, architectural and spatial diversity, the heritage they protect, and the generation of knowledge produced by their research activities. We want to acknowledge UNAM’s General Directorate of University Heritage support to this report, as well as that of the museums that joined this number. We are sure that this visual tale will awaken your curiosity to visit and enjoy them.  

Ximena Gómez González Cosío MA is Editor of UNAM Internacional.
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